Case Study - 12-Year-Old Lulu
A ‘Puzzle Pieces and Planning’ Consultation
The Story…
Lulu was having significant learning and some fine motor issues. Despite extra assistance and tutoring, she continued to struggle and fall behind. Previous assessment detected some inattentive behaviours but recommendations were to re-valuate in 24 months, if difficulties persisted. Lulu also had a medical profile that saw her needing specialist dietary assistance.
The outcome…
After taking the time to understand Lulu’s learning profile, various options were presented to the parents on possible next steps. The strength and weaknesses of each step were discussed at length. After these discussions, Lulu’s parents chose the direction they felt was right for them and chose from a shortlisted group of appropriate professionals. Intake was streamlined to their Developmental Paediatrician professional of choice and the next chapter of Lulu’s journey began with parents feeling informed and confident.
“Jacquie was tremendously helpful because she was, with her background, able to understand and identify our daughter’s learning issues and to recommend the right professionals we should approach as a starting point. She was also able to explain her reasons for her suggestions clearly. As a parent in Singapore where medical costs can be extremely high, it is most helpful to have someone knowledgeable suggest a way forward. I suspect that without Jacquie’s help, we would have approached various professionals in a much less informed way. Jacquie is a lovely person, a good listener and very approachable. I am happy to say I found her help and advice most valuable and would recommend her services to parents in a similar situation.”